Hair Tests

Two easy ways to discover imbalances
Choose what’s right for you.

heavy metal hair test

Hair Test – Basic Report

This is a basic report, just the 2-page chart report without any dietary or supplement recommendations. No explanation is provided of the results, and as such it is designed to be used in conjunction with the advice of a suitably qualified nutritionist or doctor, who will be able to offer you further advice on how to use the information contained within the charts. Compare this with the full test. You can also add a video interpretation –  usual price £90, £60 when ordered with test.

not rated

Price £91.20


heavy metal hair test

Hair Test – Full Report

Heavy metals toxicity” testing is a clinical screening hair test for the accurate evaluation of high levels of toxic metals, minerals and trace elements concentrations. Shows a person’s clear exposure ranges of toxic metals using a hair sample profile. 1 Test Kit. NB: The lab report is 13 pages long please check the sample report. The kits come with personalised diet and nutrient recommendations to help you understand your test results and implement a plan to enable you to address any imbalances. You can also add a video interpretationusual price £90, £60 when ordered with test.

Price £105.60


hair minerl analysis for dogs

Dog Hair Analysis

Dog hair analysis for minerals, hair sample test for heavy metals, metabolic rate, adrenal and thyroid glandular activity. Improve nutrition and performance. Accurate Canine hair analysis graph results and interpretative report.

not rated

Price £106.80


horse hair analysis

Horse Hair Analysis

Horse hair analysis for minerals, hair sample test for heavy metals, metabolic rate, adrenal and thyroid glandular activity. Improve nutrition and performance. Accurate Equine hair analysis graph results and interpretative report.

not rated

Price £128.40


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